.arb Name Service

What is .arb Name Service?

.arb Name Service is a SPACE ID name service. It is building the .arb Domain Name Service on Arbitrum. It is a decentralized name system and the go-to solution to replace Arbitrum wallet and contract addresses.

Since .arb Name Service is built upon Arbitrum network, a layer-2 solution for the Ethereum blockchain, it inherits many of its advantages over the traditional DNS systems:

  • .arb Name Service will become an essential piece in the Web3 realm on considerably the most EVM-compatible chain.

  • .arb Name Service will soon be integrated into every corner of the powerful Arbitrum ecosystem.

  • The registration process and user experience have been significantly enhanced on a systematic level; it’s faster, much more efficient, and reliable.

.arb Vision: Scale Web3 with Arbitrum

It’s no secret that Web3 is still in its early stages of development. While there has been significant progress in recent years, Web3 still has a long (but destined) way to mainstream adoption, and a number of challenges need to be addressed during this journey. These include technical aspects such as scalability, where Arbitrum centers at. It greatly elevates the scalability of Web3 and has quickly achieved its name as one of the Layer 2 leaders.

.arb Name Service thus aims to scale Web3 with Arbitrum and facilitate it during this process. Most people are familiar with what ENS brings to the Ethereum ecosystem, and that’s what .arb is to Arbitrum. Undoubtedly domain names are becoming a critical infrastructure for the adoption of any platform, including Arbitrum in this case. It helps resolve the domain names of dApps built on the Arbitrum protocol and allows users to easily access it with a human-readable version of an IP/blockchain address, which significantly improves user experience and efficiency.

In addition to its user-friendly aspect, .arb Domain Name Service offers funnels of branding and marketing, as well as various use cases by establishing user-owned identities and credibility. Moreover, as Arbitrum directs the gaming and social focus with the Arbitrum Nova, it’s undeniable that a decentralized identity will be pushed to the center of this grand stage.

To say the least, SPACE ID .arb Name Service is an essential puzzle for Arbitrum in its mission of scaling Web3, and we welcome everyone to witness the vision.

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