Terms of Use

Effecitve Date: Sept 11th, 2024


Any person accessing the SPACE ID’s services accepts, without any limitation or qualification, the Terms of Use (the “Terms”) set forth below. These Terms apply to your access to, and use of, all or part of the website and any other websites operated by SPACE ID Pte ltd. (“SPACE ID”). These Terms do not alter in any way or conditions of any other agreement you may have with SPACE ID Pte ltd. for products, services or otherwise. If you are using the website on behalf of any entity, you represent and warrant that you are authorized to accept these Terms on such entity’s behalf, and that such entity agrees to indemnify you and SPACE ID Pte ltd. for violations of these Terms. These Terms contain disclaimers and other provisions that limit our liability to you, for which you agree to be bound.

  1. Who we are

The SPACE ID platform offers a comprehensive name service network that serves as a unified identity solution for the discovery, registration, trading, and management of Web3 domains. Additionally, we provide a Web3 Name SDK and API, allowing developers to seamlessly incorporate Web3 names across various blockchain applications. Our platform facilitates the creation and management of Web3 identities in a centralized manner. SPACE ID's all-in-one Web3 domain and identity platform simplifies domain management, eliminating the need to use multiple products for different domain services. Everything required for domain management is easily accessible in one centralized location.

Our platform offers a variety of services, including but not limited to seamless domain listing capabilities. You can easily set a fixed price, select the duration, and determine the price for your Web3 domain. Once you've entered the necessary details, simply click "List" to make it available for sale. Service fees may apply for utilizing our platform's capabilities, please contact us for more details.

  1. What are Web3 domains and how are they different from traditional DNS domains

Web3 domains are hosted on a public blockchain, providing users with ownership of their data. A major advantage of Web3 domains is the simplification of cryptocurrency transactions by replacing multiple wallet addresses with a single, easy-to-remember domain name. These domains also serve as identities and provide access to Web3 applications. Notably, when you purchase and register a Web3 domain from Unstoppable Domains, it's yours permanently without the need for renewal fees, unlike traditional DNS domains. Web3 domains differ significantly from traditional DNS domains in that they utilize a decentralized root zone instead of the centralized DNS root zone managed by ICANN. As a result, Web3 domains do not resolve like DNS domains and currently require special browser plugins or network configurations to function with websites on the DNS.

  1. Access to the Site

Subject to these Terms. SPACE ID grants you a non-transferable, non-exclusive, revocable, limited license to access the Site solely for your own personal, noncommercial use.

Certain Restrictions. The rights approved to you in these Terms are subject to the following restrictions: (a) you shall not sell, rent, lease, transfer, assign, distribute, host, or otherwise commercially exploit the Site; (b) you shall not change, make derivative works of, disassemble, reverse compile or reverse engineer any part of the Site; (c) you shall not access the Site in order to build a similar or competitive website; and (d) except as expressly stated herein, no part of the Site may be copied, reproduced, distributed, republished, downloaded, displayed, posted or transmitted in any form or by any means unless otherwise indicated, any future release, update, or other addition to functionality of the Site shall be subject to these Terms. All copyright and other proprietary notices on the Site must be retained on all copies thereof.

SPACE ID reserves the right to change, suspend, or cease the Site with or without notice to you. You approved that SPACE ID will not be held liable to you or any third-party for any change, interruption, or termination of the Site or any part.

  1. Accuracy of Information

While SPACE ID Pte ltd. has attempted to ensure the accuracy of the information, neither SPACE ID Pte ltd. nor its information contributors can be held responsible by you for the accuracy of the information found on the Website. All information on the website is provided “as is.” SPACE ID Pte ltd. makes no express or implied warranties as to the accuracy or merchantability of content or programming.

  1. Communication with SPACE ID

Any communication through the website with SPACE ID Pte ltd. is for informational purposes only and to assist users in obtaining information about or related to our services. By submitting any information to SPACE ID, you expressly agree that (i) SPACE ID Pte ltd. or its partners, contractors and affiliates may send you emails regarding new information and update of our company; (ii) you are not obtaining any pre-registration rights, registration rights, or any other rights in any domain name; (iii) SPACE ID Pte ltd. makes no guarantee that any domain name will be available for registration through any party; and (iv) SPACE ID Pte ltd. makes no guarantee as to the content, sequence, accuracy, timeliness or completeness of the information or data provided by SPACE ID Pte ltd..

  1. User Content

User Content. “User Content” means any and all information and content that a user submits to the Site. You are exclusively responsible for your User Content. You bear all risks associated with use of your User Content. You hereby certify that your User Content does not violate our Acceptable Use Policy. You may not represent or imply to others that your User Content is in any way provided, sponsored or endorsed by SPACE ID. Because you alone are responsible for your User Content, you may expose yourself to liability. SPACE ID is not obliged to backup any User Content that you post; also, your User Content may be deleted at any time without prior notice to you. You are solely responsible for making your own backup copies of your User Content if you desire.

You hereby grant SPACE ID an irreversible, nonexclusive, royalty-free and fully paid, worldwide license to reproduce, distribute, publicly display and perform, prepare derivative works of, incorporate into other works, and otherwise use and exploit your User Content, and to grant sublicenses of the foregoing rights, solely for the purposes of including your User Content in the Site. You hereby irreversibly waive any claims and assertions of moral rights or attribution with respect to your User Content. You agree not to use this site for registering domains to collect, upload, transmit, display, or distribute any content that (i) infringes on third-party or intellectual property rights; (ii) is unlawful, harassing, abusive, threatening, harmful, invasive of privacy, vulgar, defamatory, false, intentionally misleading, libelous, pornographic, obscene, offensive, or that incites racism, bigotry, hatred, or harm against groups or individuals; (iii) is harmful to minors; or (iv) violates any laws, regulations, or third-party obligations or restrictions.

In addition, you agree not to: (i) upload, transmit, or distribute to or through the Site any software intended to damage or alter a computer system or data; (ii) send through the Site unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, junk mail, spam, chain letters, pyramid schemes, or any other form of duplicative or unsolicited messages; (iii) use the Site to harvest, collect, gather or assemble information or data regarding other users without their consent; (iv) interfere with, disrupt, or create an undue burden on servers or networks connected to the Site, or violate the regulations, policies or procedures of such networks; (v) attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Site, whether through password mining or any other means; (vi) harass or interfere with any other user’s use and enjoyment of the Site; or (vi) use software or automated agents or scripts to produce multiple accounts on the Site, or to generate automated searches, requests, or queries to the Site.

You agree to indemnify and hold SPACE ID and its officers, employees, and agents harmless, including costs and attorneys’ fees, from any claim or demand made by any third-party due to or arising out of (a) your use of the Site, (b) your violation of these Terms, (c) your violation of applicable laws or regulations or (d) your User Content. SPACE ID reserves the right to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter for which you are required to indemnify us, and you agree to cooperate with our defense of these claims. You agree not to settle any matter without the prior written consent of SPACE ID. SPACE ID will use reasonable efforts to notify you of any such claim, action or proceeding upon becoming aware of it.

  1. Third-Party Links & Ads; Other Users

Third-Party Links & Ads. The Site may contain links to third-party websites and services, and/or display advertisements for third-parties. Such Third-Party Links & Ads are not under the control of SPACE ID, and SPACE ID. is not responsible for any Third-Party Links & Ads. SPACE ID. provides access to these Third-Party Links & Ads only as a convenience to you, and does not review, approve, monitor, endorse, warrant, or make any representations with respect to Third-Party Links & Ads. You use all Third-Party Links & Ads at your own risk, and should apply a suitable level of caution and discretion in doing so. When you click on any of the Third-Party Links & Ads, the applicable third party’s terms and policies apply, including the third party’s privacy and data gathering practices.

Other Users. Each Site user is solely responsible for any and all of its own User Content. Because we do not control User Content, you acknowledge and agree that we are not responsible for any User Content, whether provided by you or by others. You agree that the SPACE ID will not be responsible for any loss or damage incurred as the result of any such interactions. If there is a dispute between you and any Site user, we are under no obligation to become involved. You hereby release and forever discharge SPACE ID and our officers, employees, agents, successors, and assigns from, and hereby waive and relinquish, each and every past, present and future dispute, claim, controversy, demand, right, obligation, liability, action and cause of action of every kind and nature, that has arisen or arises directly or indirectly out of, or that relates directly or indirectly to, the site.

  1. Disclaimers

The site is provided on an “as-is” and “as available” basis, and SPACE ID and our suppliers expressly disclaim any and all warranties and conditions of any kind, whether express, implied, or statutory, including all warranties or conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, quiet enjoyment, accuracy, or non-infringement. We and our suppliers make not guarantee that the site will meet your requirements, will be available on an uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free basis, or will be accurate, reliable, free of viruses or other harmful code, complete, legal, or safe. If applicable law requires any warranties with respect to the site, all such warranties are limited in duration to ninety (90) days from the date of first use.

  1. Limitation on Liability

To the maximum extent permitted by law, in no event shall SPACE ID or our suppliers be liable to you or any third-party for any lost profits, lost data, costs of procurement of substitute products, or any indirect, consequential, exemplary, incidental, special or punitive damages arising from or relating to these terms or your use of, or incapability to use the site even if SPACE ID has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Access to and use of the site is at your own discretion and risk, and you will be solely responsible for any damage to your device or computer system, or loss of data resulting therefrom.

To the maximum extent permitted by law, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, our liability to you for any damages arising from or related to this agreement, will at all times be limited to a maximum of fifty U.S. dollars (u.s. $50). The existence of more than one claim will not enlarge this limit. You agree that our suppliers will have no liability of any kind arising from or relating to this agreement.

  1. Term and Termination

Subject to this Section, these Terms will remain in full force and effect while you use the Site. We may suspend or terminate your rights to use the Site at any time for any reason at our sole discretion, including for any use of the Site in violation of these Terms. Upon termination of your rights under these Terms, your Account and right to access and use the Site will terminate immediately. You understand that any termination of your Account may involve deletion of your User Content associated with your Account from our live databases. SPACE ID will not have any liability whatsoever to you for any termination of your rights under these Terms.

  1. Copyright Policy.

SPACE ID respects the intellectual property of others and asks that users of our Site do the same. In connection with our Site, we have adopted and implemented a policy respecting copyright law that provides for the removal of any infringing materials and for the termination of users of our online site who are repeat infringers of intellectual property rights, including copyrights.

  1. General

These Terms are subject to occasional revision, and if we make any substantial changes, we may notify you by sending you an e-mail to the last e-mail address you provided to us and/or by prominently posting notice of the changes on our Site. You are responsible for providing us with your most current email address. In the event that the last e-mail address that you have provided us is not valid, our dispatch of the e-mail containing such notice will nonetheless constitute effective notice of the changes described in the notice. Any changes to these Terms will be effective upon the earliest of thirty (30) calendar days following our dispatch of an email notice to you or thirty (30) calendar days following our posting of notice of the changes on our Site. These changes will be effective immediately for new users of our Site. Continued use of our Site following notice of such changes shall indicate your acknowledgement of such changes and agreement to be bound by the terms and conditions of such changes. Dispute Resolution. Please read this Arbitration Agreement carefully. It is part of your contract with SPACE ID and affects your rights. It contains procedures for MANDATORY BINDING ARBITRATION AND A CLASS ACTION WAIVER.

Applicability of Arbitration Agreement. All claims and disputes in connection with the Terms or the use of any product or service provided by SPACE ID that cannot be resolved informally or in small claims court shall be resolved by binding arbitration on an individual basis under the terms of this Arbitration Agreement. Unless otherwise agreed to, all arbitration proceedings shall be held in English. This Arbitration Agreement applies to you and the SPACE ID, and to any subsidiaries, affiliates, agents, employees, predecessors in interest, successors, and assigns, as well as all authorized or unauthorized users or beneficiaries of services or goods provided under the Terms.

Waiver of Class or Consolidated Actions. All claims and disputes within the scope of this arbitration agreement must be arbitrated or litigated on an individual basis and not on a class basis, and claims of more than one customer or user cannot be arbitrated or litigated jointly or consolidated with those of any other customer or user.

Confidentiality. All aspects of the arbitration proceeding shall be strictly confidential. The parties agree to maintain confidentiality unless otherwise required by law. This paragraph shall not prevent a party from submitting to a court of law any information necessary to enforce this Agreement, to enforce an arbitration award, or to seek injunctive or equitable relief.

Severability. If any part or parts of this Arbitration Agreement are found under the law to be invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, then such specific part or parts shall be of no force and effect and shall be severed and the remainder of the Agreement shall continue in full force and effect.

Right to Waive. Any or all of the rights and limitations set forth in this Arbitration Agreement may be waived by the party against whom the claim is asserted. Such waiver shall not waive or affect any other portion of this Arbitration Agreement.

Survival of Agreement. This Arbitration Agreement will survive the termination of your relationship with SPACE ID.

Small Claims Court. Nonetheless the foregoing, either you or the SPACE ID may bring an individual action in small claims court.

  1. Entire Terms.

These Terms constitute the entire agreement between you and us regarding the use of the Site. Our failure to exercise or enforce any right or provision of these Terms shall not operate as a waiver of such right or provision. The section titles in these Terms are for convenience only and have no legal or contractual effect. The word “including” means “including without limitation”. If any provision of these Terms is held to be invalid or unenforceable, the other provisions of these Terms will be unimpaired and the invalid or unenforceable provision will be deemed modified so that it is valid and enforceable to the maximum extent permitted by law. Your relationship to SPACE ID is that of an independent contractor, and neither party is an agent or partner of the other. These Terms, and your rights and obligations herein, may not be assigned, subcontracted, delegated, or otherwise transferred by you without SPACE ID’s prior written consent, and any attempted assignment, subcontract, delegation, or transfer in violation of the foregoing will be null and void. SPACE ID may freely assign these Terms. The terms and conditions set forth in these Terms shall be binding upon assignees.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions regarding this Terms of Service, please feel free to contact us at

Email: legal@space.id

Last updated